Formule chimique: CaSiO3
Famille: Silicates
Statut: IMA-A
Système cristallin : Triclinique
Minéral de vitrine: OUI
Noms associés (variétés luminescentes, noms discrédités, synonymes etc.): parawollastonite,
| | | |
Couleurs UV longs (365nm): | Jaune , Blanc jaunâtre (crème) , Jaune pâle , Jaune-orange , Jaunâtre ,
| Intensité OL:Moyenne
| |
Couleurs UV moyens (320nm): | Jaune-orange , Blanc bleuté , Blanc jaunâtre (crème) , Jaune , Orange ,
| Intensité OM:Moyenne
| |
Couleurs UV courts (254nm): | Jaune-orange , Blanc bleuté , Blanc jaunâtre (crème) , Jaune , Orange ,
| Intensité OC:Forte
| |
Photo Ondes Courtes (254nm)
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Phosphorescence (au sens commun du terme) observable à l'oeil nu:
Type d'UV |
Couleur |
Intensité |
Fréquence d'observation |
UV courts (254 nm): | Orange | Forte | |
Thermoluminescence: OUI
From the White Knob quarry in the San Berardino Mts. CA, remarkable examples of orange or yellow-orange fluorescing wollastonite SW in blocky sections with orange-red fl. calcite SW and also red-fluorescing feldspar (species unidentified) of unusually high brightness. Information and help from Howard Brown and Lyman Hayes. Activator: Mn with Pb as coactivator?? Activator: probably Mn2+ substituting to Ca2+; also Fe3+ and Cr3+ found (Gaft).
In Jakobsberg, Sweden, wolastonite and margarosanite replace barysilite (see picture by Kjell Gatedal in bibliography )
Activateur(s) et spectre(s):
Activateur(s): Mn2+ , Cr3+, Fe3+,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
Mn2+I repl. Ca2+I : 555-560nm
Mn2+II repl. Ca2+II : 580nm
Mn2+III repl. Ca2+III : 603, 640nm
Fe3+ repl. Si4+ : 690-700nm
Cr3+ : narrow R-lines at 720nm + 794 - 840nm broad band
Cr3+II : 794nm
Cr3+III : 840nm
Commentaires sur les spectres et les activateurs (*):
Steady-state luminescence of wollastonite has been previously studied and luminescence of Mn2+, Fe3+ and supposedly Cr3+ has been proposed (Min’ko et al. 1978). (Gaft)
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
Meilleure(s) localité(s) pour la fluorescence (*):
- Nobel Pit, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New jersey, USA;
- White Knob quarry, Lucerne Valley Limestone Province, San Berardino County, California, USA;
- Desert View mine, Holcomb Valley, San Bernardino County, California, USA;
- Desert View Mine, Fawnskin (Grout), Bear Valley District, San Bernardino Mts, San Bernardino Co., California, USA (SW orange +calcite SW red + aragonite SW bluish-white)
- Yuma, Yuma District, Yuma Co., Arizona, USA;
- Third find (i.e. Wollastonite in calcite associated with Baryte) Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey, USA;
- Jakobsberg Mine, Jakobsberg ore field, Nordmark district, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden;
- Älgfalls (Elgfall) mine, Kopparberg, Ljusnarsberg, Västmanland, Sweden (yellowish-white SW);
- Santa Fé Mine, Pichucalco, Pichucalco Municipality, Chiapas, Mexico;
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques
localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
Référence bibliographique pour la luminescence:
- The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals, Dr. Gerhard Henkel, Published by the FMS, 1989 ,
- Fluorescence: Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light, Manuel Robbins, 1994, Geoscience Press, ISBN 0-945005-13-X ,
- The World of Fluorescent Minerals, Stuart Schneider, Schiffer Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-7643-2544-2 ,
- Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld, G. Panczer, Springer Editor, ISBN: 10 3-540-21918-8 ,
- Luminescent Spectra of Minerals, Boris S. Gorobets and Alexandre A. Rogojine, Moscow, 2002 ,
- Franklin Website: http://franklin-sterlinghill.com ,
- Luminescenza nel regno minerale, Guido Mazzoleni, fotografia Roberto Appiani, Libri Sandit, 2010, ISBN 978-88-95990-63-7 ,
- Handbook of Fluorescent Gems and Minerals, a practical guide for the gem and mineral collector, Jack de Ment, 1949 ,
Référence pour la luminescence sur internet:
- Picking Table Journal, num.2, vol. 45, 2004
- Der Aufschluss, Vol.48, n°2 March/April 1997 Langban minerals by Fritz Blatter;
- The Picking Table (Journal of the Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society), vol. 55, no. 2, p. 13-25
- MONT-SAINT-HILAIRE, History, Geology, Mineralogy, Laszlo HORVATH, The Canadian Mineralogist, Special Publication 14, 2019
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