Formule chimique: BeAl2O4
Famille: Oxydes et Hydroxydes
Statut: IMA-GP
Système cristallin : Orthorhombique
Minéral de vitrine: NON
Noms associés (variétés luminescentes, noms discrédités, synonymes etc.): alexandrite,
Couleurs UV longs (365nm): |
Rouge , | ||
Intensité OL:Très faible | |||
Couleurs UV moyens (320nm): |
Rouge , | ||
Couleurs UV courts (254nm): |
Rouge , Jaune vert , | ||
Intensité OC:Très faible |
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Aucune phosphorescence observable à l'oeil nu quelle que soit le type d'UV
Varété alexandrite: fluorescence rouge due au chrome (Cr2+)
Chrysobéryl classique: jaune vert, crème, verdâtre;
Activateur(s): Cr3+, V2+,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
Cr3+ replacing Al : 678, 680 nm V2+ : band around 720 nm (80nm half-width) (Gaft), VO6 : broad band at 645nm (FWHM: 120nm) TiO6 : 516nm (FWHM: 115nm) (Gaft), band at 540 nm (Gorobets), 689, 698, 703nm (Gaft)
Spectrum: Michael Gaft, Petah Tikva, Israel. Plot: Institute of Mineralogy, University of Vienna, Austria, with permission of the authors.
The Al3+ ions are octahedrally coordinated by the oxygen ions and occur in two not equivalent crystal field sites in the lattice. The Cr3+ ions replace substitutionally the Al3+ ions, 78 % replacing Al3+ ions in one position and the rest going into the second sites. The major features of the spectra at 300 K are the two sharp lines R1m (m for mirror, the first position for Al3+ replacement) and R2m peaking at 680 nm and a broad, structured band peaking at lower energies. The 689.5 and 695.2 nm decay time is much larger than that for the 677.9 and 679.5 nm emission (Suchoki et al. 1987). At certain excitation wavelengths, such as 488nm, the R1i (i for inversion) and R2i peaking at 690.0 and 695.0 nm lines associated with Cri ions in inversion sites (second site) appear (Powell et al. 1985) The Cr3+ luminescence properties in natural chrysoberyl minerals have been studied as a function of the Cr content as well as impurities such as Fe and V. A competition was found between Cr and V for very low Cr concentration with the vanishing of Cr3+ emission from Cr3+ ions located in inversion site. The Fe3+ ions substitute in mirror site efficiently with a strong impact on the Cr3+ lifetime of mirror site (Ollier et al. 2015). Cathodoluminescence: red;
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
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