CORINDON (Nom en anglais: CORUNDUM )
Formule chimique: Al2O3
Famille: Oxydes et Hydroxydes
Statut: IMA-GP
Système cristallin : Rhombohédrique
Minéral de vitrine: OUI
Noms associés (variétés luminescentes, noms discrédités, synonymes etc.): rubis, saphir,
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Couleurs UV longs (365nm): | Rouge , Rouge violacé , Rose violacé ,
| Intensité OL:Très forte
| Fréquence OL: Très souvent
Couleurs UV moyens (320nm): | Rouge ,
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Couleurs UV courts (254nm): | Rouge , Orange ,
| Intensité OC:Moyenne
| Fréquence OC:Souvent
Photo Ondes longues (365nm)
Rubis, UV LW,
Sivec Marble Quarry, Sivec Mountain, Prilep, Macedonia
Photo & Col. © G. Barmarin
Photo Ondes Courtes (254nm)
Rubis, UV SW,
Mysore District, Karnataka, India
Photo & Col. © G. Barmarin
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Phosphorescence (au sens commun du terme) observable à l'oeil nu:
Aucune phosphorescence observable à l'oeil nu quelle que soit le type d'UV
Variété rubis (rouge): presque toujours fluorescent (Cr3+)
Variété saphire (bleu): parfois légèrement fluorescent rouge, rosâtre
Autres variétés colorées de saphire: fluorescence variable mais assez fréquente;
Activateur(s) et spectre(s):
Activateur(s): Cr3+,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
Cr3+ replacing Al : Lines at 692.8, 694.3nm (R1 and R2 lines)
Cr3+ : 658.2 , 668.2 , 674.1 , 680 (small lines)
N-lines (Cr3+ pairs) : 705.8 , 712nm (small lines)
Fe3+ : broad band peaking at 896nm (Sapphire)
Pas d'image de spectre pour l'instant
Commentaires sur les spectres et les activateurs (*):
Crookes (1887) and Becquerel (1861) considered pure alumina as fluorescent; but De Boisbaudran (1887) stated that chromium as impurity was the cause of the fluorescence.
Bois and Elias (1908) studied the effect of low temperature and magnetic field on several chromium salt and ruby in particular.
Steady-state luminescent properties of natural corundum Al2O3 were carefully investigated.
Activator: Cr3+ replacing Al giving strong well known 2E->4A2 lines with long decay time
Besides that, much weaker narrow lines present, which are connected with Cr-pairs and more complicated complexes (so called N-lines) (Tarashchan 1978).
Cathodoluminescence: red or light-blue (undetermined origin);
The weaker peaks from the long wavelength side of the principal lines are also known and ascribed to so call N-lines, namely Cr3+ pairs.
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
Meilleure(s) localité(s) pour la fluorescence (*):
- Mysore District, Karnataka, India;
- Limecrest Quarry at Sparta, New jersey, USA;
- Limestone quarries around Franklin, Franklin Marble, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA;
- Sterling Mine, Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA;
- Kleggåsen Ruby Quarry, Froland, Aust-Agder, Norway;
- Fiskenæsset (Fiskenaesset; Qeqertarsuatsiaat), Nuuk (Godthåb), Sermersooq, Greenland;
- Jegdalek (Jagdalek; Jagdalak; Jagdalik) Ruby Mine, Surobi District, Kabol (Kabul) Province, Afghanistan;
- Zazafotsy Quarry, Zazafotsy Commune, Ihosy District, Horombe Region, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar;
- Ampanihy District, Southwestern Region, Tuléar Province, Madagascar;
- Ali Abad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan;
- Hassanabad Nala (Hasanabad), Hunza Valley (near Ali Abad), Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas), Pakistan;
- Luc Yen, Yenbai Province, Vietnam;
- Ketito, Arusha Region, Tanzania;
- Longido, Mt Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania (in green chrome-zoisite (anyolite));
- Mundarara Mine, Arusha Region, Tanzania (in green chrome-zoisite (anyolite));
- Khit Ostrov, Northern Karelia, Karelia Republic, Northern Region, Russia;
- Ganesh Himal deposit, Somdang, Rasuwa District, Bagmati Zone, Nepal;
- Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Division, Burma;
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques
localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
Référence bibliographique pour la luminescence:
- The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals, Dr. Gerhard Henkel, Published by the FMS, 1989 ,
- Fluorescence: Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light, Manuel Robbins, 1994, Geoscience Press, ISBN 0-945005-13-X ,
- The World of Fluorescent Minerals, Stuart Schneider, Schiffer Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-7643-2544-2 ,
- Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld, G. Panczer, Springer Editor, ISBN: 10 3-540-21918-8 ,
- Luminescent Spectra of Minerals, Boris S. Gorobets and Alexandre A. Rogojine, Moscow, 2002 ,
- Ultraviolet Light and Fluorescent Minerals, Th. Warren, S. Gleason, R. Bostwick, et E. Verbeek, 1995, ISBN 0-9635098-0-2 ,
- Handbook of mineralogy, John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, and Monte C. Nichols, and published by Mineral Da ,
- Handbook of Fluorescent Gems and Minerals, a practical guide for the gem and mineral collector, Jack de Ment, 1949 ,
Référence pour la luminescence sur internet:
- Franklin, New Jersey, USA:
- Sterling Mine, New Jersey, USA:
- Kleggåsen Ruby Quarry, Froland, Norway:
- Mundarara Mine, Tanzania:
- Jegdalek, Afghanistan:
- Jegdalek, Afghanistan:
- Jegdalek, Afghanistan:
- Khit Ostrov, Russia (LW):
- Khit Ostrov, Russia (SW):
- Ali Abad, Hunza Valley, Pakistan:
- Hunza Valley, Pakistan:
- Mysore, India:
- Mysore, India:
- Ganesh Himal deposit, Nepal
- Limecrest Quarry, Sparta, New Jersey, USA:
- Mogok, Burma:
Référence minéralogique sur internet:
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