Formule chimique: CaMgSi2O6
Famille: Silicates
Statut: IMA-A
Système cristallin : Monoclinique
Minéral de vitrine: NON
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Couleurs UV longs (365nm): | Bleu ,
| Intensité OL:Faible
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Couleurs UV courts (254nm): | Bleu , Blanc bleuté , Bleu vert , Bleu ciel ,
| Intensité OC:Forte
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Photo en lumière du jour
DIOPSIDE, Stockton Mining District, Tooele, Utah, USA
Photo and Copyright: James Horste
Used with permission of the author.
Photo Ondes Courtes (254nm)
DIOPSIDE UVSW, Stockton Mining District, Tooele, Utah, USA
Photo and Copyright: James Horste
Used with permission of the author.
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Phosphorescence (au sens commun du terme) observable à l'oeil nu:
Pas de données
Variété fassaite : OC et OL: blanc ; (le nom fassaite peut désigner le diopside dans les publications du 19éme siècle, mais est actuellement associé à la augite.)
Associée en grains (fluo bleu SW) idans la wernerite (fluo orange LW) du Canada.
Associée à la NORBERGITE (fluo jaune SW) à Franklin, New jersey, USA;
Activateur(s) et spectre(s):
Activateur(s): n[TiO6] cluster, Cr3+, Fe3+, Mn2+ , Nd3+,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
[TiOn]m-: 450nm band, 520nm
Mn2+II repl. Ca2+: 580 - 585 - 586nm
Mn2+I repl. Mg2+: 690nm (Franklin, USA exc. 532nm)
Fe3+ : 758nm (Otter Lake, Canada, exc. 532nm)
Cr3+ repl. Mg2+?: 684, 705, 860nm
Cr3+ : broad band at 785nm connected to Cr3+ center in weak crystal field (decay time of 5 μs)
Cr3+ in average crystal field or to V2+ : broad structured band peaking at approximately 700 nm with peaks at 679, 685, 700, 722nm (V2+) (sample from Tyrol, exc. 532nm)
(?) : 670nm (sample from Fassathal, Tyrol, exc. 532nm)
Nd3+ : 874, 891, 916nm (Otter Lake, Canada, exc. 780nm)
Pas d'image de spectre pour l'instant
Commentaires sur les spectres et les activateurs (*):
Natural diopside displays a large variety of luminescence centers: at room temperature main features are a 450 nm band, that can be ascribed to the TiO6 complex, an intense bands at 585 and 690 nm that can be ascribed to Mn2+ ions in M2 (Ca2+) and M1 (Mg2+) sites, lines near 684 nm belonging to Cr3+ and band peaking at 690 nm ascribed to Fe3+ (Gorobets and Rogojine 2001).
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
Meilleure(s) localité(s) pour la fluorescence (*):
- Franklin Quarry, Franklin Marble, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA;
- Farber Quarry, Franklin, New jersey, USA; Sparta, New Jersey, USA;
- Limecrest Quarry, Sparta Township, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA;
- Lake Valhalla Quarry, Montville Township, Morris Co., New Jersey, USA;
- Ilimaussaq complex, Kvanefjeld, Narsaq, Kitaa (West Greenland) Province, Greenland;
- Zinc Corp. of America, mine 4, Balmat, St Lawrence County, New York, USA;
- State Route 28N roadcut, Newcomb Township, Essex Co., New York, USA;
- Amity, Town of Warwick, Orange Co., New York, USA (bright white SW);
- Fort Ann, Washington Co., New York, USA;
- Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, St. Lawrence Co., New York, USA;
- H.T. Campbell Quarry, Texas, Baltimore Co., Maryland, USA;
- Long Lake Zinc Mine, Parham, Ontario, Canada (Diopside fl. SW cream to blue-white + calcite fl. SW red + humite fl. SW yellow + chondrodite fl. SW yellow);
- Jeffrey Mine (Johns-Manville Mine), Asbestos, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Québec, Canada (intense fluo SW+LW, associated with yellow-green to violet Vesuvianite);
- Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mts, Simanjiro District, Manyara Region, Tanzania (Fluo SW, dull fluo LW);
- Gföhl, Waldviertel, Lower Austria, Austria (blue SW);
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques
localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
Référence bibliographique pour la luminescence:
- The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals, Dr. Gerhard Henkel, Published by the FMS, 1989 ,
- Fluorescence: Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light, Manuel Robbins, 1994, Geoscience Press, ISBN 0-945005-13-X ,
- The World of Fluorescent Minerals, Stuart Schneider, Schiffer Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-7643-2544-2 ,
- Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld, G. Panczer, Springer Editor, ISBN: 10 3-540-21918-8 ,
- Luminescent Spectra of Minerals, Boris S. Gorobets and Alexandre A. Rogojine, Moscow, 2002 ,
Référence pour la luminescence sur internet:
- Franklin, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-268138.html
- Franklin, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-673439.html
- Franklin, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-673439.html
- Franklin Quarry, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-629908.html
- Long Lake Zinc Mine, Ontario, Canada: http://www.mindat.org/photo-223439.html
- State Route 28N roadcut, Newcomb USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-350496.html
- State Route 28N roadcut, Newcomb USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-350503.html
- State Route 28N roadcut, Newcomb USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-350500.html
- Lake Valhalla Quarry, New Jersey, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-573253.html
- Fort Ann, Washington Co., New York, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-602677.html
- Fort Ann, Washington Co., New York, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-664958.html
- Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-618897.html
- Edwards, Balmat-Edwards Zinc District, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-627377.html
- H.T. Campbell Quarry, Maryland, USA: http://www.mindat.org/photo-638520.html
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