Formule chimique: Pb(Ca,Mn+2)2Si3O9
Famille: Silicates
Statut: IMA-GP
Système cristallin : Triclinique
Minéral de vitrine: NON
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Couleurs UV longs (365nm): | Rouge violacé ,
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Couleurs UV moyens (320nm): | Rouge , Orange , Rouge violacé , Rose violacé ,
| Intensité OM:Forte
| |
Couleurs UV courts (254nm): | Blanc bleuté , Rose violacé , Bleu vert , Bleu , Violet , Bleu violet , Bleu ciel ,
| Intensité OC:Forte
| |
Photo en lumière du jour
MARGAROSANITE, Franklin, New Jersey, USA
Photo and Copyright: James Horste
Used with permission of the author.
Photo Ondes Courtes (254nm)
Photo and Copyright: James Horste
Used with permission of the author.
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Phosphorescence (au sens commun du terme) observable à l'oeil nu:
Pas de données
A Jakobsberg en Suède, la wolastonite et la margarosanite remplace la barysilite (voir photo de Kjell Gatedal dans la bibliographie)
Activateur(s) et spectre(s):
Activateur(s): Mn2+ , Pb2+, Ce3+, Nd3+,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
Pb2+ : broad bands at 325nm (t= 1,2microsec.) and 450nm (t= 10,6microsec.)
Mn2+ : broad band at 635nm (t= 540microsec.) (exc. 266nm)
Mn2+ : broad band at 635nm (t= 1,2ms) (exc. 355nm)
Mn2+ : very large band at 640nm with peak at 630nm (exc. 532nm)
Nd3+ : 860, 876, 895nm (exc. 780nm)
Pas d'image de spectre pour l'instant
Commentaires sur les spectres et les activateurs (*):
Laser-induced time-resolved technique enables to detect two types of Pb2+, two types of Mn2+ and Ce3+ emission centers (Gaft et al. 2013a).
Excitation by CW laser with 532 and 780 nm revealed narrow luminescence lines possibly belonging to Nd3+ and broad luminescence band of Mn2+
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
Meilleure(s) localité(s) pour la fluorescence (*):
- Parker Shaft (Parker Mine), Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA;
- Langban, Filipstad, Varmland Province, Sweden;
- Jakobsberg Mine, Jakobsberg ore field, Nordmark district, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden;
- Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA (blue SW + red MW);
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques
localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
Référence bibliographique pour la luminescence:
- The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals, Dr. Gerhard Henkel, Published by the FMS, 1989 ,
- Fluorescence: Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light, Manuel Robbins, 1994, Geoscience Press, ISBN 0-945005-13-X ,
- The World of Fluorescent Minerals, Stuart Schneider, Schiffer Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-7643-2544-2 ,
- Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld, G. Panczer, Springer Editor, ISBN: 10 3-540-21918-8 ,
Référence pour la luminescence sur internet:
- Fluorescent Minerals of Langban, Richard Loyens, UV-Waves January/February 1996.
- The lead silicates from Franklin, New Jersey: occurrence and composition, PETE J. DUNN, MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE, DECEMBER 1985, VOL. 49, PP. 7217
- Laser-induced time-resolved luminescence of natural margarosanite Pb(Ca,Mn)2Si3O9, swedenborgite NaBe4SbO7 and walstromite BaCa2Si3O9, Michael Gaft, H. Yeates, Lev Nagli
- Langban (
- Der Aufschluss, Vol.48, n°2 March/April 1997 by Fritz Blatter;
- Jakobsberg, Sweden:
- Jakobsberg, Sweden:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA (red MW):
- Franklin Mining District, USA (same sample blue SW):
- Franklin Mining District, USA (associated with red SW axinite-Mn):
- Parker Mine, Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA:
- Franklin Mining District, USA (pink MW):
- Franklin Mining District, USA (blue SW):
Référence minéralogique sur internet:
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