Base de données des minéraux luminescents


Formule chimique: KAlSi3O8

Famille: Silicates

Statut: IMA-GP

Système cristallin : Monoclinique

Minéral de vitrine: NON

Noms associés (variétés luminescentes, noms discrédités, synonymes etc.):  delawaritelennilitepierre de lune (moonstone)adulaire


Type d'UV Couleur principale (*) Intensité Fréquence d'observation
UV longs (365nm):      Blanc jaunâtre (crème)
UV courts (254 nm):      Rouge

(*)Vous pouvez ouvrir la charte des couleurs dans une nouvelle fenêtre


Phosphorescence (au sens commun du terme) observable à l'oeil nu:

Pas de données

Thermoluminescence: OUI


Variété adulaire: OC et OL: rose, violet, rouge , verdâtre , blanc .
Variété Pierre de lune (Moonstone) : Oc: orange, rouge; OL: bleu .

Activateur(s) et spectre(s):

Activateur le plus courant: Fe3+

Pics dans le spectre (nm):

Fe3+ repl. Al3+ or Si4+ : band peaking at 700nm 

Pas d'image de spectre pour l'instant

Commentaires sur les spectres et les activateurs (*):

Polarized optical absorption spectra and laser-excited luminescence spectra have been measured on single-crystal Fe-rich orthoclase. The absorption spectrum consists of a series of sharp, weak bands that can be assigned to spin-forbidden crystal-field transitions of Fe3+ substituted on the tetrahedral Al3+ site of the feldspar structure. A broad-band luminescence in the deep-red region is the Stokes-shifted 4T1 -> 6T1, transition of tetrahedral Fe3+ and confirms the assignments to the absorption spectrum. The temperature dependence of the luminescence intensity can be accounted for by a phonon-assisted nonradiative decay proces.
(Absorption and luminescence of Fe3+ in single-crystal orthoclase, William B. White 1986 - see link below)
Time-resolved luminescence spectra of natural and synthetic hydrous volcanic glasses with different colors and different Fe, Mn, and H2O content were measured, and the implications for the glass structure are discussed. Three luminescence ranges are observed at about 380–460, 500–560, and 700–760 nm. The very short-living (lifetimes less than 40 ns) blue band (380–460 nm) is most probably due to the 4T2(4D) →6A1(6S) and 4A1(4G) →6A1(6S) ligand field transitions of Fe3+. The green luminescence (500–560 nm) arises from the Mn2+ transition 4T1(4G) →6A1(6S). It shows weak vibronic structure, short lifetimes less than 250 μs, and indicates that Mn2+ is tetrahedrally coordinated, occupying sites with similar distortions and ion–oxygen interactions in all samples studied. The red luminescence (700–760 nm) arising from the 4T1(4G) →6A1(6S) transition of Fe3+ has much longer lifetimes of the order of several ms, and indicates that ferric iron is also mainly tetrahedrally coordinated. Increasing the total water content of the glasses leads to quenching of the red luminescence and decrease of the distortions of the Fe3+ polyhedra.


Cathodoluminescence: faint red.

(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais

Meilleure(s) localité(s) pour la fluorescence (*):

(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques localités remarquables pour la fluorescence

Référence bibliographique pour la luminescence:

Référence pour la luminescence sur internet:

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