Formule chimique: Voir BERYL
Famille: Silicates
Statut: NR
Système cristallin : Hexagonal
Minéral de vitrine: NON
Couleurs UV longs (365nm): |
Rouge , | ||
Photo en lumière du jour
Emeraude, Muzo, Colombia;
Photo and Copyright: Richard Loyens
Photo Ondes longues (365nm)
Emeraude, Muzo, Colombia;
fluo red, excitation: laser 405nm
Photo and Copyright: Richard Loyens
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Aucune phosphorescence observable à l'oeil nu quelle que soit le type d'UV
Variété gemme de BERYL de couleur verte.
Activateur(s): Cr3+, Fe3+, Mn4+, Mn2+ , V2+,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
Cr3+ : Lines at 682, 683, 684nm, Cr3+ replacing Al3+ : broad band peaking at 730nm Cr3+ : (666), 685, (696), Cr3+ I: 725nm (Band) Cr3+ II: 715nm (Band) Fe3+ : broad band at 735nm Cr3+ , V2+, Mn4+ : broad band at 720 (Lifetime = 100 microsecondes) VO4 : 423 (Lifetime = 1 microseconde)
Col. G. Barmarin; Spectre: G. Barmarin
Accès à la galerie complète (6 images au total)
Steady-state emission of beryl was previously studied. The broad band at 720 nm is connected with Fe3+, while the relatively narrow bands at 480 and 570 nm are ascribed to Mn2+ in tetrahedral and octahedral coordination, correspondingly. Cr3+ emission was connected with narrow R-lines at 680 and 682 nm (Tarashchan 1978; Kuznetsov and Tarashchan 1988). (Cr3+ impurity ions in highly distorted octahedron sites) The Cr3+ luminescence properties in natural beryl minerals have been studied as a function of the Cr content as well as impurities such as Fe and V. It appears that the Cr3+ crystal field is linked to the Cr amount and decreases when Cr increases. A competition between Cr and V was noticed for very low Cr concentration (Ollier et al. 2015). (Gaft)
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
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