Formule chimique: Voir SODALITE
Famille: Silicates
Statut: NON APPR
Système cristallin : Cubique
Minéral de vitrine: OUI
Couleurs UV longs (365nm): |
Orange , Jaune-orange , Rouge orange ("saumon") , | ||
Intensité OL:Forte | Fréquence OL:Toujours | ||
Couleurs UV moyens (320nm): |
Orange , Jaune-orange , | ||
Couleurs UV courts (254nm): |
Jaune-orange , Blanc bleuté , Blanc jaunâtre (crème) , Jaune-orange , Orange , Jaunâtre , | ||
Intensité OC:Moyenne | Fréquence OC: Très souvent |
Photo en lumière du jour
Photo Ondes longues (365nm)
hackmanite under UVLW,
Photo and Copyright: James Hamblen
Site of the author
Used with permission of the author
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Type d'UV |
Couleur |
Intensité |
Fréquence d'observation |
UV longs (365nm): | Blanc bleuté | Moyenne | UV moyens (320 nm): | Blanc bleuté | Très forte | UV courts (254 nm): | Blanc bleuté | Très forte |
hackmanite, up after and down before exposition to SW (tenebrescence);
Koksha Valley, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan;
Col. G.Barmarin; Photo: G. Barmarin
Thermoluminescence: OUI
Une variété de sodalite riche en soufre qui n'est pas considérée comme une espèce minérale indépendante.
Activateur(s): S2-,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
S2- : (566),(610), 625, 647, 664, (695), (723), (751nm)
Col. G. Barmarin; Spectre: G. Barmarin
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O. Ivan Lee investigated what he calls the reversible photosensitivity of hackmanite from Bancroft (Ontario) and his response to different UV sources as early as 1936. He presented the phenomenon for the 50th Anniversary Celebration Banquet of the New York Mineralogical Club, in November 18, 1936 at the American Museum of Natural History. It seems that it was the first observation and the first public announcement and publication (American Mineralogist vol 21) about photochromism (tenebrescence) in mineralogy. Chemical analyses revealed that the mineral contains a certain amount of sulfur as a substitute for chlorine in the crystal structure. The FTIR spectra of hackmanite showed that the samples contain water. The stretching vibration peak of water of crystallization (H2O) occurs at 3438 cm-1 and the bending peak is at 1623 cm-1. Its tenebrescence is caused by hole color centers which are contributed to the presence of sulfur (S2-)) and to some negatively charged chlorine atoms being missing in the crystal structure of hackmanite. (source: Crystals of Hackmanite of Koksha Valley in Afghanistan are usually found in a matrix constituted by non-fluorescing Winchite and/or marble. Synthetic sodalites containing sulfur and showing considerable photochromic activity have been investigated by ESR. The center responsible for the color has been shown to be an electron trapped at a chlorine vacancy. The origin of the electron which is reversibly transferred during the processes of coloration and bleaching is believed to be the ion S2-). (see William G. Hodgson, Jacob S. Brinen, and Emil F. Williams, Electron Spin Resonance Investigation of Photochromic Sodalites, The Journal of Chemical Physics 47, 3719 , 1967)
(*)Les commentaires sur les spectres sont uniquement rédigés en Anglais
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
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