Formule chimique: C19H34
Famille: Organolithe (Matière organique)
Statut: IMA-GP
Système cristallin : Monoclinique
Minéral de vitrine: NON
Couleurs UV longs (365nm): |
Bleu vert , | ||
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The terpenoid minerals fichtelite (norabietane) and hartite (α-phyllocladane) seems to have a luminescence under UV LW. Some of these hydrocarbons occur in soil and peat environments of Holocene age. However, hartite occurs in lignite, in fossilised Glyptostrobus (Taxodiaceae) trees and in pelosiderites of the Bílina Miocene series (about 20 Ma); it represents the accumulated and crystallised product of diagenetic transformation of precursor biogenic terpenoids. Raman spectra of earth waxes investigated confirm their dominantly aliphatic character and oxidative degradation (related to weathering and/or subaerial alteration in museum cabinets).
Fichtelite is chemically identical to Dimethyl-isopropyl-perhydrophenanthrene or 7-Isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-dodecahydro-1H-phenanthrene.
Activateur(s): Matière organique intrinsèque,
Pics dans le spectre (nm):
large band. max: 530 nm
Pas d'image de spectre pour l'instant
(*)Les données ne sont pas exhaustives et sont limitées à quelques localités remarquables pour la fluorescence
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