Bibliography: MONT SAINT-HILAIRE HISTORY, GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, Laszlo Horvath, Robert A. Gault, Elsa Pfenninger-Horvath and Glen Poirier, The Canadian Mineralogist, Special Publication 14, 2019, ISBN 978-0-921294-61-0
There are
85 luminescent minerals found in Mont St Hilaire, Québec, Canada listed in the database.
Pericline variety (ellongated albite following b axis) is sometime fluorescent: SW and LW: red; OL: bleu;
Cleavelandite variety (albite in lamellar masses) is sometime fluorescent: SW and LW: cream; SW: pink (very weak);
Kunz and Baskerville noted that aragonite fluoresces often strongly during their memorable investigation of 13000 mineral specimens in 1903.
Specimen not analyzed. should be strictly speaking labeled burbankite group (in the sense of Horvath – Lapis, Rivista 2000). Other possibilities for not analysed specimens: remondite(Ce), petersenite-(Ce), khanneshite and calcioburbankite.
manganocalcite OC rose, rouge; OL : orange, rose, rouge, rouge orangé;
plumbocalcite : OC et OL: rouge sombre ;
strontiocalcite OL et OC: crème, blanc-jaunâtre, rose;
thinolite ( = pseudomorphose après gaylussite): OL et OC: orange, blanc bleuté;
Variéty chrome cerussite: SW et LW: Yellowish-White, greenish yellow;
Activator: possibly Ag+ (Gorobets)or Pb2+ (Gaft), accessory Sm3+
Sometimes green fluo due to uranium impurities, sometimes yellow orange or yellowish white. Also pink SW and Blue white LW (Paterson, USA)
Variété MANGANAPATITE: OL et OC: jaune, orange ; Activators: Eu2+, Ce3+, Mn2+, Dy3+, Nd3+, Sm3+ and Sm2+; TR3+ are located in the high symmetry Ca(I) position (Gorobets, Marfunin, Waychunas). Large pics: Mn2+ 569 nm, Mn3+ 583nm (yellow band); Other activator: U: 467, 486, 505, 526, 550 nm (gaft); Blue and violet luminescent colors due to Ce3+ and Eu2+; pink, violet pink, yellow pink: Sm3+, Dy3+; yellow band due to Mn2+ (Marfunin)
The luminescence spectrum of fluorapatite from Panasqueira, Portugal, is characterized by four emission bands 349 nm (bandwidth:,10 nm) (REE possibly Ce3+); 445 nm (40nm)(REE possibly Eu2+); 555 rm (100 nm)(Mn2+ + REE sensitization (co-activator/UV absorber) most probably Ce3+ and Eu2+); 701 nm (50 nm)(Unknown activator). (Source see link to article below)
The diversity of the luminescence in Apatite is created in part by:
- the ability of the apatite structure to incorporate transition metal, REE and anion impurity activators and co-activators, often in combination;
- the varying types of associations and formation conditions that promote luminescence activity; and
- the nature of the structure of the apatite host itself.
This favorable and flexible host structure has not been lost to commercial enterprises, as apatites have long been used as synthetic phosphors in industrial and consumer products. (Apatite Luminescence, Glenn A. Waychunas, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry; January 2002; v. 48)
Ninety-five percent of the phosphorus on Earth belongs to the minerals of the apatite group
Synthetic fluorapatite doped with manganese-II and antimony-V formed the basis for the second generation of fluorescent tube phosphors referred to as halophosphors (before 1942, synthetic Mn-doped willemite was used). When irradiated with 253.7 nm mercury resonance radiation they fluoresced with broad emission which appeared within the range of acceptable whites. The antimony-V acted as the primary activator and produced a broad blue emission. The addition of manganese-II produced a second broad peak to appear at the red end of the emission spectrum at the expense of the antimony peak, excitation energy being transferred from the antimony to the manganese by a non-radiative process and making the emitted light appear less blue and more pink. Replacement of some of the fluoride ions with chloride ions in the lattice caused a general shift of the emission bands to the longer wavelength red end of the spectrum. These alterations allowed phosphors for Warm White, White and Daylight tubes, (with corrected color temperatures of 2900, 4100 and 6500 K respectively), to be made. The amounts of the manganese and antimony activators vary between 0.05 and 0.5 mole percent. Sometimes some of the calcium was substituted with strontium giving narrower emission peaks.
Since about 1990 the third generation TriPhosphors, three separate red, blue and green phosphors activated with rare-earth ions and mixed in proportions to produce the desired color, have largely replaced halophosphors.
The classical fluorescing mineral but all fluorites are not luminescent under UV !
CHLOROPHANE variety : green thermoluminescence ;
YTTROFLUORITE variety: SW and LW : yellow, yellowish-white (cream);
I (Manuel Robbins) reported on a mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire then known only under the temporary designation UK84. It has now been given the name Gaultite. It is a sodium zinc silicate hydrate. As reported in the book (see bibliography), fluorescence is bright green under SW. It was found as small colorless or mauve crystals to 0.05mm in a sodalite cavity at a contact between hornfels and sodalite syenite. (citation of Manuel Robbins)
Discovered in Sterling (Franklin, NJ, USA) in 2002 in the Passaic Pit as tiny green fluorescing spots in amphibole.
Mt St Hilaire helvite can be reliably distinguished from genthelvite via its UV response (deep red vs green (Horvath et al Min Rec 1990 etc.)
See / Voir tetranatrolite
Grossular garnet from Lake Jaco, Chihuahua Mexico, may be found as dark cherry red crystals, with vesuvianite.
Under either MW or a filtered high pressure UV source, these garnets fluoresce brilliantly in a pure red.
Mont-Saint-Hilaire: grossular OH-bearing (hibschite)
Syn: selenite;
Sometimes presents a hourglass fluorescing figure in the center of monocrystals first observed in crystals from Wiesloch (Germany) in 1927 by H. Himmel but is now known from many other localities with occurrences of gypsum crystals in clay beds. (Himmel, H.(1927): Gips von Wiesloch(Baden). Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Abt. A (1927), 342-349)
A sulfide rich sodalite and should not be regarded as a separate species.
Mt St Hilaire helvite can be reliably distinguished from genthelvite via its UV response (deep red vs green - Horvath et al Min Rec 1990 etc.).
Beautiful effect when in association with red fluorescing calcite;
voir aussi parakeldyshite. Blue luminescence due to TiO6 (Gaft)
Associated with microcline, clinoamphibole and narsarssukite.
To compare with meliphanite.
In Mt-St-Hilaire, Pectolite could be confused with Makatite. The major distinguishing feature is the fluorescence. While not all makatite fluoreseces, when it does it is moderate to strong blueish white or very pale greenish SW (and sometimes LW as well). This specimen fluoresces a weak pinkish LW – typical of MSH pectolite. (see in bibliography).
Mizzonite = variety of MEIONITE (intermediate with MARIALITE and MEIONITE but with predominantly the last one.
Green colored amazonite from Zinkgruvan Mines, Zinkgruvan, Askersund, Närke, Sweden, develop and enhance her green color in sunlight. Newly collected they are grey or only slightly green.
White coating on the pinacoidal faces of the nenadkevichite from Mont St Hilaire fluoresces sometime green under SW, MW and LW.
Luminescence of pectolite was noted in 1903 by Kunz and Baskerville.
In Mt-St-Hilaire, Pectolite could be confused with Makatite. The major distinguishing feature is the fluorescence. While not all makatite fluoresces, when it does it is moderate to strong blueish white or very pale greenish SW (and sometimes LW as well) and pectolite is fluorescing in pink or orange.
At Mt St Hilaire, the tainiolite in marble xenoliths can look similar to polylithionite but it does not fluoresce.
The tungstates of calcium, strontium, magnesium and zinc, and the molybdates of calcium are known to show luminescence upon excitation by cathode rays or short-wave ultra-violet radiation. It is commonly assumed that this luminescence is characteristic of the tungstate and molybdate groups. The reason why other tungstates and molybdates are found to be non-luminescent is probably the temperature-quenching (see Nature article by F. A. Kröger in 1947 in the bibliography).
Specimen not analyzed. should be strictly speaking labeled burbankite group (in the sense of Horvath – Lapis, Rivista 2000). Other possibilities for not analysed remondite(Ce) from MSH are petersenite-(Ce) and calcioburbankite. (Burbankite proper is not found in pegmatites.) ( Modris Baum on mindat)
Prismatic crystals of Remondite-(Ce) are slightly greenish and are apatite-like under lamp lighting. At day light they are slightly pinkish. This is typical scheme of dichroism for minerals, containing Ce3+ ion in absence of other chromophores. (Pavel Kartashov on mindat)
The remondite-(Ce) has strong REE absorption lines in the red/orange which helps distinguish it from elpidite found in the same environment. The lines are actually due to Nd – an indirect indicator for Ce.
Sometimes, well-formed xls are similar to (calcio)burbankite in form. ( Modris Baum on mindat)
Found with Natron and villiaumite, bandwave not specified.
HACKMANITE : strongly tenebrescent variety of sodalite
From Mont Saint-Hillaire, certain sodalite fluoresces yellow. The response is seen under SW and MW, weaker under LW. Build-up is slow but becomes bright.
Yooperlite: tradename of syenite clasts containing fluorescent sodalite found in 2018 by Erik Rintamaki, a mineral dealer, on the beaches of Lake Superior, Michigan, USA (see Yooperlite).
synonyme: blende ; brunckite = colloïdal sphalerite ;
variety cleiophane: orange SW and LW;
Former UK-27 of Mont St Hilaire.
Russian scientist suppose Ti3+ responsible for yellow luminescence and Ti4+ for green luminescence;
Willemite was first recognized in New Jersey in 1822, although it had evidently been mined there for many years before. It was then known as silicious oxide of zinc. The name willemite was applied by A. Lévy in 1880 to what afterwards proved to be the same mineral. His material was found in the Netherlands, and was named after Willem I (William I )(1772-1844), King of the Netherlands. It came from the small (less than 1,400 acres) neutral state of Moresnet situated between Prussia and Belgium (though the present kingdom of Belgium was not founded until that year--1830). Under the Treaty of Versailles (1919) it is now in Belgium. In this connexion it is interesting to recall that the name belgite has been suggested for this mineral. R. Panebianco, writing in esperanto in 1916, objected to naming minerals after kings, preferring a name derived from the locality. He, however, overlooked the fact that the locality was not, at that time, in Belgium !
From: South African occurrences of willemite. Fluorescence of willemite and some other zinc minerals in ultra-violet rays. By L. J. Spencer, Keeper of Minerals in the British Museum (Natural History). 1927
The occurrenee of willemite at Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia was first recorded by Prof. H. Buttgenbach in 1919 (H. Buttgenbach. La calamine des ossements fossiles de Broken-Hill, (Rhodésie). Ann. Soc. Géol. Relgique, 1919 vol. 42)
Troostite : willémite containing manganese ;
Beta-willemite nom erroné appliqué a une variété trouvée à Franklin-Sterling Hill et fluorescente en jaune ;
Certains échantillons de Brandtite fluorescents en vert OC devraient leur fluorescence à la willemite associée ;
Prior to the development of halophosphor in 1942, the first generation of phosphor used in fluorescent tube was synthetic willemite activated with manganese-II.
From the White Knob quarry in the San Berardino Mts. CA, remarkable examples of orange or yellow-orange fluorescing wollastonite SW in blocky sections with orange-red fl. calcite SW and also red-fluorescing feldspar (species unidentified) of unusually high brightness. Information and help from Howard Brown and Lyman Hayes. Activator: Mn with Pb as coactivator?? Activator: probably Mn2+ substituting to Ca2+; also Fe3+ and Cr3+ found (Gaft).
In Jakobsberg, Sweden, wolastonite and margarosanite replace barysilite (see picture by Kjell Gatedal in bibliography )
Synthetic wurtzite has been studied and user as a commercial phosphor.
Variété alvite (contenant du Hf, Th et des terres rares: OC et LW: vert; SW: Rouge-orangé;
Variété cyrtolite (zircon partiellement métamicte contenant U et souvent Th et des terres rares: OC: jaune;
variété malacon (zircon très métamicte, souvent brun: OL: orange;
Zircon is ometimes thermoluminescent