Chemical formula: Na3(Ce,La,Ca,Na,Sr)3(CO3)5

Family: Carbonates

Status: IMA-A

Crystal system : Monoclinic

Display mineral: NON



Longwave UV (365nm) colors:


Red ,

Intensity LW:Weak

Shortwave UV (254nm) colors:


Red ,

Intensity SW:Weak


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Phosphorescence (in the common sense of the term) observable with the naked eye:

No data

Tenebrescence: OUI


Specimen not analyzed. should be strictly speaking labeled burbankite group (in the sense of Horvath – Lapis, Rivista 2000). Other possibilities for not analysed remondite(Ce) from MSH are petersenite-(Ce) and calcioburbankite. (Burbankite proper is not found in pegmatites.) ( Modris Baum on mindat)


Prismatic crystals of Remondite-(Ce) are slightly greenish and are apatite-like under lamp lighting. At day light they are slightly pinkish. This is typical scheme of dichroism for minerals, containing Ce3+ ion in absence of other chromophores. (Pavel Kartashov on mindat)

The remondite-(Ce) has strong REE absorption lines in the red/orange which helps distinguish it from elpidite found in the same environment. The lines are actually due to Nd – an indirect indicator for Ce.

Sometimes, well-formed xls are similar to (calcio)burbankite in form. ( Modris Baum on mindat)

Activator(s) and spectrum:

Activator(s): Nd3+,

No spectrum yet

Comments on spectrum and activators:

Laser-induced photoluminescence was studied for burbankite group mineralshexagonal burbankite, calcioburbankite, khanneshite and monoclinic remondite-(Ce), remondite-(La), petersenite-(Ce), as well as for orthorhombic carbocemaite and strontianite from carbonatites and hydrothennalites of alkaline complexes from various regions of the world.

Best localities for fluorescence (*):

(*)The data are not exhaustive and are limited to a few remarkable localities for fluorescence

Bibliographic reference for luminescence:

Reference for luminescence on the Internet:

Mineralogical reference on the Internet:

Internet Search:

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