Chemical formula: CaSiO3

Family: Silicates

Status: IMA-A

Crystal system : Triclinic

Display mineral: OUI

Associated names (luminescent varieties, discredited names, synonyms, etc.): parawollastonite



Longwave UV (365nm) colors:


Yellow , Yellowish White , Pale Yellow , Orangy yellow , Yellowish ,

Intensity LW:Medium

Midwave UV (320nm) colors:


Orangy yellow , Bluish White , Yellowish White , Yellow , Orange ,

Intensity MW:Medium

Shortwave UV (254nm) colors:


Orangy yellow , Bluish White , Yellowish White , Yellow , Orange ,

Intensity SW:Strong

Daylight picture

Shortwave (254nm) picture


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Phosphorescence (in the common sense of the term) observable with the naked eye:

Type d'UV



Fréquence d'observation

UV courts (254 nm):

Orange Strong

Thermoluminescence: OUI


From the White Knob quarry in the San Berardino Mts. CA, remarkable examples of orange or yellow-orange fluorescing wollastonite SW in blocky sections with orange-red fl. calcite SW and also red-fluorescing feldspar (species unidentified) of unusually high brightness. Information and help from Howard Brown and Lyman Hayes. Activator: Mn with Pb as coactivator?? Activator: probably Mn2+ substituting to Ca2+; also Fe3+ and Cr3+ found (Gaft).

In Jakobsberg, Sweden, wolastonite and margarosanite replace barysilite (see picture by Kjell Gatedal in bibliography )

Activator(s) and spectrum:

Activator(s): Mn2+ , Cr3+,  Fe3+,  

Peaks in the spectrum (nm):

Mn2+I repl. Ca2+I : 555-560nm

Mn2+II repl. Ca2+II  : 580nm  

Mn2+III repl. Ca2+III : 603, 640nm

Fe3+ repl. Si4+ : 690-700nm

Cr3+ : narrow R-lines at 720nm + 794 - 840nm broad band

Cr3+II : 794nm

Cr3+III : 840nm  

Comments on spectrum and activators:

Steady-state luminescence of wollastonite has been previously studied and luminescence of Mn2+, Fe3+ and supposedly Cr3+ has been proposed (Min’ko et al. 1978). (Gaft)

Best localities for fluorescence (*):

(*)The data are not exhaustive and are limited to a few remarkable localities for fluorescence

Bibliographic reference for luminescence:

Reference for luminescence on the Internet:




Mineralogical reference on the Internet:



Internet Search:

  Image search on 'Google Images'

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  Search on Wikipedia

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