GYPSUM (French name: GYPSE )
Chemical formula: CaSO4 2H2O
Family: Sulfates
Status: IMA-GP
Crystal system : Monoclinic
Display mineral: OUI
Associated names (luminescent varieties, discredited names, synonyms, etc.): albatre, selenite,
| | | |
Longwave UV (365nm) colors: | Yellowish White , White , Bluish White , Pale Yellow , Orangy yellow , Greenish , Greenish white , Yellowish ,
| Intensity LW:Medium
| Frequency LW:Often
Shortwave UV (254nm) colors: | Bluish White , White , Bluish White , Yellowish White , Pinkish White , Pale Yellow , Yellowish Green , Greenish , Greenish white , Yellowish ,
| Intensity SW:Medium
| Frequency SW:Often
Longwave (365nm) picture

OL (365 nm). Col. G. Barmarin; Photo: G. Barmarin
Shortwave (254nm) picture

OC (254 nm). Col. G. Barmarin; Photo: G. Barmarin
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Phosphorescence (in the common sense of the term) observable with the naked eye:
Type d'UV |
Couleur |
Intensité |
Fréquence d'observation |
UV longs (365nm): | Yellowish White | Strong | |
UV courts (254 nm): | Bluish White | Strong | |
Syn: selenite;
Sometimes presents a hourglass fluorescing figure in the center of monocrystals first observed in crystals from Wiesloch (Germany) in 1927 by H. Himmel but is now known from many other localities with occurrences of gypsum crystals in clay beds. (Himmel, H.(1927): Gips von Wiesloch(Baden). Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Abt. A (1927), 342-349)
Activator(s) and spectrum:
Activator(s): ST (Singlet-triplet)-Matière organique en impureté, (UO2)2+ (ion Uranyle) en impureté,
Peaks in the spectrum (nm):
ST : 440-630nm
494nm, 510nm, 544nm, 601nm (Hourglass figure, Canada)
UO22+ : 469, 486, 507, 530, 554nm (sample from Morrocco)

Col. G.Barmarin; Photo: G. Barmarin
Spectrum Galery:

Go to the galery (4 spectra)
Comments on spectrum and activators:
Typical uranyl spectrum when green luminescence is present.
Greenish-white and bluish fluorescence most probably due to organic impurities.
Best localities for fluorescence (*):
- Hourglass figure: Willow creek, Nanton, Alberta, Canada;
- Alabaster Quarries, Patillas Hill, Fuentes de Ebro, Delimitación Comarcal de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Aragon Spain (2004);
- Red River Floodway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada ;
- Guerrero Negro, Mun. de Mulegé, Baja California Sur, Mexico (zoned blue+orange-pink LW);
- Camp Verde, Camp Verde District, Yavapai Co., Arizona, USA (pseudomorph after glauberite);
- Salinas de Otuma, Otuma village, Paracas, Pisco, Pisco Province, Ica Department, Peru;
- Dämmelwald clay pit, Wiesloch, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
(*)The data are not exhaustive and are limited to a few remarkable localities for fluorescence
Bibliographic reference for luminescence:
- The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals, Dr. Gerhard Henkel, Published by the FMS, 1989 ,
- Fluorescence: Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light, Manuel Robbins, 1994, Geoscience Press, ISBN 0-945005-13-X ,
- The World of Fluorescent Minerals, Stuart Schneider, Schiffer Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-7643-2544-2 ,
- Luminescence Spectroscopy of Minerals and Materials, M. Gaft, R. Reisfeld, G. Panczer, Springer Editor, ISBN: 10 3-540-21918-8 ,
- Luminescent Spectra of Minerals, Boris S. Gorobets and Alexandre A. Rogojine, Moscow, 2002 ,
Reference for luminescence on the Internet:
- Iwase, Ei-ichi (1936): Über die Verteilung des Lumineszenzträgers im Gipskristall. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 11, 475-479
- Fluorescerende gips van Saragossa, Geonieuws (MKA) November 2009
- Fluorescerende gips van Betekom, Vlaams-Brabant, Geonieuws (MKA), Augustus 2013
- MONT-SAINT-HILAIRE, History, Geology, Mineralogy, Laszlo HORVATH, The Canadian Mineralogist, Special Publication 14, 2019
Mineralogical reference on the Internet:
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