Chemical formula: (Zn,Fe)S

Family: Sulfide

Status: IMA-GP

Crystal system : Isometric

Display mineral: OUI

Associated names (luminescent varieties, discredited names, synonyms, etc.): brunckitecleiophaneschalenblendeblende



Longwave UV (365nm) colors:


Orange , Pale Yellow , Yellow , Orangy yellow , Greenish Yellow , Yellowish ,

Intensity LW:Strong

Midwave UV (320nm) colors:


Orange , Pale Yellow , Yellow , Orangy yellow , Greenish Yellow , Yellowish ,

Intensity MW:Strong

Shortwave UV (254nm) colors:


Orange , Pale Yellow , Yellow , Orangy yellow , Greenish Yellow , Yellowish ,

Intensity SW:Medium

Daylight picture

Franklin Mine, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA
Photo and Copyright:
Used with permission of the author

Longwave (365nm) picture

Franklin Mine, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA
UVLW, Photo and Copyright:
Used with permission of the author

Shortwave (254nm) picture

Franklin Mine, Franklin Mining District, Sussex Co., New Jersey, USA
UVSW, Photo and Copyright:
Used with permission of the author


Do you have a photo of this mineral you would like to see in the gallery? Contact us!

Phosphorescence (in the common sense of the term) observable with the naked eye:

Type d'UV



Fréquence d'observation

UV longs (365nm):

Pale Yellow

UV moyens (320 nm):

Pale Yellow

UV courts (254 nm):

Pale Yellow

Triboluminescence: OUI

Thermoluminescence: OUI


synonyme: blende ; brunckite = colloïdal sphalerite  ;

variety cleiophane: orange SW and LW;

Activator(s) and spectrum:

Activator(s): Mn2+ , Cu+,  

Peaks in the spectrum (nm):

Mn2+ replacing Zn2+ : large band peaking at 595 nm 

VZn-Cl- : 450-460-470nm

Cu+-Ga3+, Cu+-In3+ repl Zn2+ : 640-670-675nm 

No spectrum yet

Comments on spectrum and activators:

Ed. Becqurel studied the decay of the phosphorescence of the different component (bands) of the spectrum of ZnS, proposing a number of mathemetical expression to interpret this phenomenon (1860).

One of the oldest studies on activator in zinc sulphide was made by H. Grune (1904). He noted that a small amont of manganese in ZnS produced an orange luminescence and triboluminescence in a very similar way as the natural mineral. Jorrissen and Ringe (1904) also studied zinc sulfide fluorescence.

The influence of the irradiation by a red light and infrared radiations upon the photoluminescence has been studied by C. Peirce (1906) under a variety of conditions.

Nichols found the presence of 48 bands/peaks in the spectrum coinciding in part with thallium, Erbium, Ytterbium. 

[after De Ment, 1949]


Best localities for fluorescence (*):

(*)The data are not exhaustive and are limited to a few remarkable localities for fluorescence

Bibliographic reference for luminescence:

Reference for luminescence on the Internet:







Mineralogical reference on the Internet:



Internet Search:

  Image search on 'Google Images'

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  Search on Wikipedia

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